Project documentation

Student Engagement Success and Retention Maturity Model (SESR-MM).  The following provides an example  of the application of the maturity model

SESR-MM Example Institutional Summary

SESR-MM Example Institutional Report


Final Report 2014  The final project report submitted to the Office for Teaching and Learning

Project Plan  The project plan is was last updated  in November 2013.

Assessing capacity overview  This document summarises the process followed for assigning capacity scores to institutional student engagement, success and retention practices. It was applied to the Model of Student, Engagement, Success and Retention (SESR) developed in the SESR Project.

Student engagement reference list  The literature sources that have provided the theoretical and empirical bases used to generate the conceptualising of student engagement, success and retention.

E-Learning Maturity Model This is a foundational example of a maturity model from which this project has drawn extensively, many thanks to Stephen Mitchell and Geoff Marshal for their advice.